Enrolment Information and Procedure

​Please find the link below to your child's online application for enrolment. You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, and submit the form.

If applying for enrolment for more than 1 student, when the form is completed, an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional student

Online Enrolment Application form

To complete an application for your child, please submit the online application, pay the application fee and send the following documentation to: enrolments@stc.qld.edu.au within 7 days of completing the online application.

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
  • Last two school reports and NAPLAN report(s) (as applicable)
  • Any medical or learning reports​
  • And if noted in your application:
    • Legal Documentation
    • Medical Action Plan
    • Student Specialist Assessments

Please Note: submission of an application does not guarantee an enrolment place.


Not all enrolment applications submitted are guaranteed an enrolment interview.

All offers of places in the College will be made subject to consideration of the information contained in the online enrolment application form and an interview with a member of the College Leadership Team.  Parents will be contacted by the Enrolments Officer to arrange a suitable interview time.                                                                   ​ ​                                                                                  ​

Please note: Interviews are only held at certain times throughout the year.​

Enrolment Fees

An application fee of $120 is to be paid online via the below BPOINT link or in person at the college finance department.  Please contact our Enrolments Officer on 5433 7342 if you would like any assistance with your application.

Enrolment Application Fee​

Confirmation of Enrolment Fee

Your offer of enrolment will be confirmed and your student's position secured by paying the Confirmation of Enrolment Fee to the College.  Please email a copy of the Bpoint receipt to:

SCBOFinance@bne.catholic.edu.au and/or print and attach the receipt to your Confirmation of Enrolment paperwork that you return to the College.

 ****Please note that your confirmation of enrolment is not processed until this payment has been verified.****

Enrolment Confirmation Fee​

St Columban's College is committed to the provision of high quality, inclusive and affordable Catholic education.  Enrolment decisions are made by the Principal, taking into account the needs of each student and operating in accordance with our Enrolment Policy.

Enrolment Policy and Procedures

Year 7 EntryCurrent GradeStatus
Year 6

Contact enrolments to enquire​​​


Year 5
Applications OPEN
​Year 4
​Applications OPEN​

Guide for Year Level Entry​

Year Level for EnrolmentStatus
Year 7Contact enrolments for availability ​
Year 8Contact enrolments for availability
Year 9

Contact enrolments for availability

Year 10

Contact enrolments for availability​

Year 11
Contact enrolments for availability
Year 12Subject to suitability – contact enrolments

Privacy Policy​

For a copy of the BCE Privacy Policy please visit the BCE Policies section of this website

